Custom, Education-forward Production Design

Step 1: Pick a Level

Level 1: Grade 1, 2, & 3

(Beginner) Music for 1st-2nd year players. Mainly quarter note values and longer are used, with eighth notes occasionally. Limited number of pitches used.

(Intermediate) More advanced than Grade 1. Uses more interesting rhythms incorporating dotted-quarter-eighth-note figures, with more pitches used than in Grade 1 concert music.

(Late Intermediate) Uses some sixteenth notes in addition to all other note values. Syncopation can be used. More key changes and accidentals are utilized, may call for full range of the instrument.

Level 2: Grade 4-5

(Early Advanced) This is a grade level for people with ability who really want to play some cool charts. Players who feel comfortable with their instrument and have a good rhythmic abilities will be able to perform music at this level.

(Advanced) Most works at this level are going to take exactly that -- Work! They are not unplayable, however, you don't want to sit down at a gig and sight read one of these charts.

Level 3: Grade 6

(Advanced + ) This is a class of music for people who want to play something hard because, a) they like to play something really difficult or, b) they really love the music, and don't mind putting in the work that it takes to play it well.

Step 2: Build your Score & Install your Curriculum

Gauntlet Standard Scoring


Clarinet 1
Clarinet 2
Alto Saxophone 1
Alto Saxophone 2
Tenor Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone


Trumpet 1
Trumpet 2
Trumpet 3


Aux Percussion/Impact (Bass Drum & Gong)
​3-6 Bass Drums

Curriculum Topics

“I want us to get better at…”


Blending Textures




Instrument Facility


Music Theory

Rhythmic Variation

Pulse Control

Rudiments (Percussion)

Permutations (Mallets)

You can install up to 3 focused lessons / challenges into your show
to create a truly entertaining and educational experience.


Step 3: Integrate your Ideas

Choose music that

  • You enjoy to hear

  • That your students will be excited about

  • That fits the theme of your show

Or have something commissioned for your group!

Shows In Progress! Take a listen…

This is where you can really make this show come ALIVE!

What else comes with this package?

We’re invested in your program’s success… which includes your WHOLE team!

Instructor’s Toolkit

Included with all productions are audio files at varied tempos with metronome clicks in place for running rehearsals with the music and tempo in tandem.


Drill Designer’s Toolkit

Included with all of our productions is an “At a Glance” Music Design worksheet that marks all counts, transitions, and moments in order to make your drill writer’s job MUCH easier.

Think this is too good to be true?
Let’s connect to get started!